Digital Certificate E-lawyer


$ 140,00 $ 160,00

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    Amount corresponding to the Digital Certificate, Installation and all necessary support. Payment can be made after issuance.

    Finalize your purchase and schedule your issuance immediately with one of our representatives.

    It can be installed on multiple machines and used simultaneously.

    Digital Certificate for Companies

    It is the solution designed for legal entities and linked to the CNPJ.

    The digital identity enables the identification of your company in the electronic environment, allowing the performance of different services:

    Digital signature of documents with legal validity;
    Access to government portals (such as the Federal Revenue Service, eSocial) to meet tax and legal commitments;
    Data transmission, ensuring the integrity and security of information. Caixa (FGTS, Caixa Econômica Federal, e-APS)
    Health (DMED, NFS-TISS)
    Detran (e-CNHsp)
    Issuance of Tax Invoices (NF-e, NFC-e, NFS-e)
    Detran (e-CNHsp)
    Relationship with the federal revenue service (CAGED, DIRF, PERDCOMP, DACON, DEREX, DIMOB, DIMOF, DSPJ, E-CAC, IRPF, Homolognet, RAIS, SICONFI and SIL.
    Education (PROUNI)
    Public administration (ITR, DERC)

    Documentation for e-CNPJ validation

    The document(s) must be presented in the original version, physical or digital, in good condition and cannot be replaced by simple or authenticated copies.

    From the company or institution

    – CNPJ card model II* or model I, printed within 30 days of the date of service;

    – Latest amendment (if any) or the incorporation document (if there are no amendments), with the registration of the competent body (articles of association/latest amendment, bylaws/minutes, etc.) or a simplified certificate issued by the Board of Trade;

    – Contractual amendments must also be registered with the competent bodies. If there are any amendments, simply present the latest one, without the incorporation document.

    – Current documents electing legal representatives – when applicable;

    *When using the CNPJ Card model II, the presentation of documents of incorporation, amendments and/or election of legal representatives (if applicable) is waived, as long as the issuance deadline is respected. On the GOV.BR portal, choose the option “Issue Proof of Registration and Registration Status with authentication code (Redesim)”. Give preference to this document!

    From the legal representative registered with the Federal Revenue Service

    – Identification document;
    (Identity Card – RG, National Driver’s License – CNH, Class Card, e-Title – with photo, National Migration Registration Card – CRNM or Passport);

    Documents containing a photograph are considered valid, which by law are equivalent to identity documents throughout the national territory and are not expired (except for expiration dates for the CNH and other documents for those over 60 years of age)

    Individual Taxpayer Registry – CPF;
    (if the number is on the identity document, presentation is waived);

    In addition to the documentation, your biometric data (fingerprint** and facial) will be collected in accordance with the ICP-Brasil legislation.

    **Fingerprints are collected exclusively in person, together with facial biometrics. In videoconference services, only facial biometrics will be captured.

    Still have questions about e-CNPJ?

    1 – What documentation is required to validate the e-CNPJ?

    1 – What documentation is required to validate the e-CNPJ?
    Contractual changes (if any): Changes must be duly registered with the appropriate agencies. If the last change is the consolidated version, it is not necessary to present the incorporation document. Otherwise, it will be necessary to present all previous changes.
    Election documents of the current board of directors, when applicable;
    CNPJ card printed no more than 3 months before the date of certificate validation;
    Attention: Originals may be replaced by certified copies. In this case, certified copies will be retained.

    If the validation is done by a Legal Representative registered with the Federal Revenue Service, it will also be necessary to bring:

    1 valid photo ID (RG, CNH or RNI);
    Individual Taxpayer Registry – CPF;
    Attention: Originals cannot be replaced by certified copies.

    2 – Can I issue Electronic Invoices with the e-CNPJ? Yes, one of the functions of the e-CNPJ is the issuance of Electronic Invoices. However, access to the solution is restricted to the company’s partners and legal representatives. If your company is gaining scalability and you need to delegate this function to other employees, we recommend that you purchase the NF-e.
    3 – Can I use the e-CNPJ to fulfill obligations of an Individual?
    No, the e-CNPJ is restricted to obligations that only apply to the Legal Entity, that is, your company.


    The presence of a legal representative registered with the Federal Revenue Service is mandatory. He/she cannot be represented by power of attorney.


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